Thursday, March 18, 2010

Kian's Day 0

Thursday afternoon just after they brought my wife into theater. I sitting alone in patient lounge waiting. Waiting my belove wife to deliver the cesarian baby my baby.

Anyway, after couple of try to call my Father and Mother in law failed. I start wandering around the birthing suite ward and I cought Sarah the midwive around 100 m from me and she wave to me. She signed me that the baby is delivered. I run like i little doggy to my birthing suite and there it is a beautiful creature in front of the room inside the plastics box ( i don't know what it called).

From his eyes I know this is my boy. He looks at me and he seems recognize me somehow. May be coz i havent got shower from the morning LOL.

I follow the other midwive to the East Ward and she let me pick up my boy after she wrap it with towel. I look into his eyes again and I started to cry.

I'm a father.

Melbourne, 18/03/2010 2:45 PM

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