These component was quite interesting for to be explore, and i quite successfuly configuring my Ubuntu machine to synch the Google Calendar and Rainlendar in my Ubuntu. First, U need an text editor coz it will have quite alot copy and paste.
1. Install Rainledar on Ubuntu, its works charmly except when u using XGL, the "Jelly effect" cause transparency problem. Otherwise it will run nicely. To install just untar the "Rainlendar-Pro-2.0.2.tar.bz2" file downloded from .
2. Go to Google Calendar setting under Calendar Setting>Calendar>My Calendar( click your GAccount name) and retrieve your iCal private address link. It usually appear like this:
3. Then run wget command from the command shell:
wget -P /home/USER/GCal
xxxxxxxxxxxxx/basic.ics -O /home/USER/GCal/MyCal.ics
The last line will be depended on your preference.
4. If the wget command OK (it will create MyCal.ics file inside the specified folder) then setup the rainlendar by adding more calendar on Option>Calendar --> Add your MyCal.ics to the calendar library.
Next try to refresh the Rainlendar. You'll notice if its works.
5. To automatically update each time you login, create .sh file and put it in startup program under System>Preference>Session>StartUp Prgm.
The .sh file should contain
wget -P /home/USER/GCal
-xxxxxxxxxxxxx/basic.ics -O /home/USER/GCal/MyCal.ics
Then enjoy your Ubuntu with a fancier desktop and moreover its synchronize with your Google Calendar.
Any body knows about Ubuntu Widget, I'm looking forward for the Yahoo Widget to be available for Linux.
Yo mate,
this looks very cooool, i may arrange a time to have a try. ^^
He mate, I've try the VMWare 2... and it runs well.. have a look to the other blog mate. Cheers...
Good post.
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